Saturday, August 20, 2011

Travel back in time to the ancient year of 2003...

For the Rambunctious Weekend carnival, Ramdiculous put up a historical photo booth. People could step back in time and revisit the long-ago year of 2003.

If you had your picture taken and you decided to visit our website to see your picture, then welcome!

And for those of you who missed it, here's what the booth looked like:

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Thank you!

On behalf of the Ramdiculous Page, I would like to thank all of you for your outpouring of support. I was pleasantly surprised and incredibly touched to see that a LOT of people don't want to see our little paper die.

Case in point: the Ram Page sent over a photographer and emailed me some questions about our situation. No joke—even the RAM PAGE wanted to help! :O

We picked up quite a few signatures yesterday. Right now I'm waiting to hear back from Student Life and the CSI office as to whether or not we print this week. It's the April Fools edition this week, so keep your fingers crossed, and if you're still interested in joining, let me know ASAP.

-B. Parsons

EDIT: Looks like we are going to press this week. Thank you, Ramdiculous supporters! I couldn't have done this without your support.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I did not find out until late Monday afternoon, but the Ramdiculous Page will be CANCELLED unless I can find at least nine other organizational members for the Ramdiculous organization by Wednesday.

This is not a joke. It is not an early April Fool's gag. I am sad to say it's very real.

I don't ever ask for much, but this time I beg that if you or someone you know at ASU would like to join Ramdiculous, then please contact me and we will make it formal.

-B. Parsons, Editor

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Winterball at some HS in Texas

so I get this email forewarning teachers about gossip for the upcoming dance and racial undertones....its hilarious...or at least that's what i it if you are bored. 

Now...for some comments about Winterball.  I know that the students are rapidly spreading some pretty strange things outside of school and eventually they will make it to your classrooms.  I would like to arm you with 'real' information in case you get questions during the school day.
  • There WILL be two dance rooms: one is ALL hiphop ALL the time (cafe), the other room is equipped with a screen where students can text their song requests (Gym)...this means that the rumor that we are providing a 'techno' rave room (and all the stereotypes that follow) is not true.  And, the reason a student cannot DJ the dance has nothing to do with secret messages in songs - it is a vendor rule for this ISD.  We use the DJ we have always used for accounting purposes. 
  • The two rooms are NOT to separate the races: as a listener of hiphop myself, I will be the first to say that students will travel back and forth between the rooms and this I am sure of...nothing was ever meant to be racial.  It was merely a reaction to a survey we gave general student council members about how to improve the music at the dances.  It was one of the biggest complaints and so it was a fix for that issue. 
  • The reason that we are not at [the awesome venue nearby] is based on income only.  The ticket money that we lost last year due to a low turnout is partly to blame.  What is being said is that students are going to boycott buying tickets until it is at [the awesome venue nearby].  There is no way to afford this venue given the low turnout for tickets over the past two years. 
  • Finally, and this is the most troublesome...I received an email from a student explaining that the problem being foreseen with this year's Winterball is based on the fact that the students will be 'split up' between rooms.  This was not an issue of race, it was explained to me that some students that choose to dance provocatively at our dances prefer the 'white kids' to cover them up as they do so.  The fear is that if the 'white kids' are all in the other room, this will no longer be possible. 
I am sure you are as sad as I am to find out that this is the response to our efforts to provide a winter dance at, what is, the only school left in this ISD that does so.  If you have a chance to combat these horrible rumors and misunderstandings in your classrooms, please do so.  We have several students that are thrilled to attend the dance and I do not want them getting the wrong idea about what is set to be a fun and exciting evening.  I'm sorry if this made your day a little worse, but I want to encourage transparency before these rumors make it all the way home.